Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lowe Art Museum

My visit to the Lowe Art Museum was an amazing learning experience for me and my daughter.  My eyes were delighted to appreciate a great display of art objects from different cultures of the world since their origins as native societies from America, Asia, Africa and Europe.  We had the opportunity to see very closely art collections from different times like Contemporary, Renaissance and Baroque, Greco-Roman as well as 20th Century Art.  Also we had a tour of the gallery created by the University of Miami students where they display their exhibition named Adapting and Adopting: Waves of Change as East Encounters West, Modern and contemporary Japanese Art.

This is one of the pictures that kept my attention as a visual learner.  I was trying to figure it out about the meaning of this peace of art. By the name of the gallery I could tell what it meant but for me it’s not enough, I wish I would talk to the creator about it.

We also were guided through the gallery named Introspection and Awakening:  Japanese Art of the Edo and Meiji Periods, 1615-1912.  This gallery features the Art of the Edo pictures representing the early Japanese lifestyle and spiritual beliefs and the arrival of the Meiji Period when they realized that they are vulnerable being threaten by and open to the outside world.

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